We help service providers to find clients and help clients to find service providers.

Use this portal to connect, build trust and grow together. We connected 228 service providers to 327 clients and helped service providers to generate a total new business worth Rs.3,65,20,691 as of 30-Mar-2025.

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Why does FairAGR exist? What problem are we trying to solve?

Every technology company come across various types of requirements, either from the market or from their existing clients, which are out of that companies capacity or expertise. So, that company let ...

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Aniruddha Pimpalkhare Founder and CEO M. Tech. from IIT Powai with 16 years of experience in Japan. Rohit Phadnis Co-Founder Networker / Connector / Coordinator / Public Relations / Collaborat ...

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What We Do?

Fair Share has been providing IT services since 2012 with a team size of 23. We have recently entered into an exciting "Technology Aggregator" business model - FairAGR and are eager to shake hands wi ...

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Opportunities for Service Providers

A team of 59 people that specialises in Web based Software and App Development for Healthcare, Healt...

She is working with one Singapore based IT company....

We offer everything you need for your business from concepts to live websites. We make sure that yo...

This is an ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems) Certified Engineering Organization. With a tea...

We are creators, builders, story-tellers of your brand. A one-stop solution for all integrated effe...

This company is fastest growing company in Digital world. Based out in Pune, serving clients across ...

He runs a Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing Company....

He is into business of Commercial Real Estate Consultancy....

He is on a mission to make agriculture an attractive business for farmers in India....

She runs an IT consultancy firm based out of USA....

This is an employee wellbeing solution focused on experience led breaks. It's geared towards ensurin...

He is a serial entrepreneur. Currently runs a business in bakery products....

This company was founded by technophile with the objective of developing customer business centric s...

This company has been into software development, with niche expertise in whatever’s the latest in ...

Our company is engaged in creating value addition processes for the edible oil industry and agricult...

Trusted Service Providers

We create Brand stories for entrepreneurs of our society! Our one of the brands has been active from...

We are creators, builders, story-tellers of your brand. A one-stop solution for all integrated effe...

The company is into end-to-end software development and staff augmentation services. The people stre...

We specialize in creating beautiful and easy-to-use digital solutions. Our expert brand developers e...

Our IT teams have extensive skills, from IT systems and networks to the Cloud and complex infrastruc...

This is a one-stop shop for cyber security services. We are awarded as one of the top cyber security...

Our groups of professionals have extensive experience in Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Analytics...

We design the right level of noise for your brand. It’s not about being in-your-face or in our cas...

An IT company supporting 150 clients in the area of web site, web portal and apps development. A tea...

Business loans, home loans, mortgage loans...

We see the potential of leveraging technology to make a transformative impact on delivery of public ...

This is an IT, Graphic Design & Digital Marketing company operating since the Year 2014. We deliver ...

We cater to Software Applications, Software Products, Mobile Apps, IoT, Data analytics, System Integ...

Location: Pune Expertise: Recruitment for permanent positions Team size: 3 Year establishme...

City: Pune Expertise: End-to-end projects (Web applications / software development), L1/L2/L3 s...